Power saving mode in Microcontrollers Power saving mode in Microcontrollers

Power saving mode in Microcontrollers

Power saving mode in Microcontrollers.

Is there a Power Saving Mode in Microcontrollers? The short answer is Yes! And we will take the Arduino Mega as an example in this article, but the same thing applies for all microcontrollers when it comes to the concept.

Power saving mode in Microcontrollers

All modern microprocessors have several low power modes. Read the ATMega2560 Data Sheet.

There is an Arduino library that makes this so simple. The Low-Power library is easy to use but very powerful. The statement

LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF);

Depending on the first argument puts the MCU in SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN for 16 ms to 8 s. It disables the ADC and the BOD. Power-down sleep shows that all chip functions are disabled until the next interrupt. Further, the external oscillator is stopped. The only level interrupts on INT1 and INT2, pin change interrupts, TWI/I2C address match, or the WDT, if enabled, can wake the MCU up. So, you will minimize energy consumption, with a single statement.

Besides this, you will probably want to replace the voltage regulator surface-mounted component and remove LEDs that waste power.

But you can attain enough power savings to build a battery-friendly device.


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