Top 10 Microcontroller Projects to Take on in 2023

Micro Controller Based Project List – Tech Counsellor

Unleash Your Creativity: 10 Versatile and Awesome Microcontroller Projects to Try in 2023!

Our world is constantly evolving, and with the rise of DIY culture, we can now create things at home that were previously only available in stores. Whether you want to build a simple device or a complex robot, the possibilities are endless with the help of a microcontroller. A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit chip that is connected to other components through I/O ports. In this article, we’ve curated a list of innovative microcontroller projects that range from beginner-friendly to advanced, including Star Wars-themed creations and practical gadgets. The future is already here with smart voice search engines, and microcontrollers are at the forefront of this exciting evolution.

Top 10 Microcontroller projects:

Automatic Fish Feeder

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Keeping your fish healthy and well-fed can be a challenge, especially when you’re away from home for a few days. A fish feeder can be a real lifesaver, allowing you to automate feedings and ensure that your fish get the nutrition they need.

But what if you could control your fish feeder with your smartphone? With this innovative project, you can! Using a smartphone app, you can schedule feedings or even feed your fish manually with the touch of a button.

The project is easy to follow thanks to a detailed YouTube video and instructions on Instructables. You’ll need to work with Firebase’s development platform and do some 3D printing, but the end result is well worth the effort. And if you have any questions, the comments section is full of helpful advice from other users who have completed the project.

The creators note that any board with an Esp8266 chip can be used, and it’s best to avoid using supports for the Archimedes screw when 3D printing the parts.

Designed by CodersCafeTech, this beginner-level project requires just a few core components, including the Wemos D1 Mini V2, SG90 continuous rotation servo motor, 3D printed parts, and a power source. You can find the complete instructions on InstructablesGitHub

Build Your Own Weather Station: A Fun and Informative DIY Project

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In today’s world, regardless of where you reside, many people feel that the weather is becoming more erratic. In the past, owning a personal weather station was considered a pricey and luxurious investment, but nowadays, it’s simple to set one up in the comfort of your own home, allowing you to stay informed of the conditions outside.

This solution entails using Home Assistant as a server, which runs on a single-board computer, such as a Raspberry Pi, and can be accessed through a web browser or real-time app to perform monitoring. You can monitor a variety of things, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, and more! If you don’t like Home Assistant, you can use Blynk as an alternative, but you’ll need to create the code yourself.

Although the creator of this solution did not specify the type of filament used in the 3D-printed parts of the project, it’s crucial to consider stronger materials like PETG and ASA because the parts will be exposed to the elements, including weather and sun exposure.

Designer: Giovanni Aggiustatutto Key components: Esp32 board with external Wi-Fi antenna, DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, BMP180 pressure sensor, Hall effect sensors, 3D printed parts Level of Difficulty: Beginner Where to locate it: Instructables, YouTube

Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

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A helping hand at the right time (Source: Volos Projects via YouTube)

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, having the right tools is crucial for any project. Memorizing the values to calculate a resistor can be a challenge for many, and even with experience, some patterns can slip away. Fortunately, this resistor value calculator can help you stay organized and make accurate calculations.

Whether you’re starting a new project or using components from another board, this calculator can simplify the process and ensure precision. The project was shared on YouTube and GitHub, where you can find the microcontroller codes. The creator even developed a second version with rotary encoders and a battery on a PCB, making it even easier to access values.

No more sorting through a jumbled mess of resistors or throwing them away in frustration. With this tool, you can save time and focus on what really matters – enjoying every second of your project.

The designer behind this project is Volos Projects, and the core components used are the TTGO T-Display Esp32 and a PCB. This project is suitable for beginners and can be found on GitHub (mini)GitHub (PCB)YouTube

Air Hockey Table

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Gone are the days of hunting for available air hockey tables at clubs, gaming stores, or parks because now you can create your very own version at home. Although it requires some woodworking skills, tools, and a blower or vacuum with reverse function, you can certainly pull off this project.

Aside from a comprehensive list of materials and a detailed guide, the creators also provide an explanation of the principles of air hockey, making it both a practical and theoretical learning experience.

The table comes with an electronic scoreboard to help you keep track of the score while playing with your family or friends, and it even has colored LEDs on the sides. This popular project even won first prize in Instructables’ 2019 Games Contest!

Designer: Technovation Key components: Arduino Uno, air blower, LCD display, 3D printed parts, wood Skill level: Intermediate Where to locate it: InstructablesYouTube

Pen Plotter Created with 3D Printing Technology

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The expense of learning and practicing computer numerical control (CNC) is often a barrier to entry for many. The creator of this project aimed to address this by using 3D printed parts and affordable components to make a pen plotter that is more accessible.

The resulting project is perfect for those who want to learn about CNC machines and improve their skills without breaking the bank. The pen plotter is guided by a joystick and operates in a similar way to a CNC machine. While it may be slower, it is ideal for demonstrating the basics.

To use the machine, you need to find a pen that fits the tapered inside of the external thread pen holder and screw it in until it touches the paper. The 3D printed parts were made with 10% infill, but increasing the infill for more complex parts like the screw may improve durability.

The Micro:Bit microcontroller, designed by the BBC and Microsoft for educational projects, was used for programming. If you’re unsure where to start, the creator suggests checking out a YouTube video and

Split-Flap Display

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This device adds a touch of retro charm to modern environments and can be used in bus terminals, railways, airports, and many other places. Whether you want to display a clock or a unique sign, it will bring a nostalgic air with fresh messages.

The device in the picture consists of 10 units with 45 tabs each and measures 513 x 136 x 138 mm. However, it can be extended to 16 units to create a larger phrase. The creator offers a detailed PDF manual for the project’s components and assembly, and it’s essential to read the hardware clarifications before purchasing any components.

For the 3D printed parts, even if you don’t have a multi-color or multi-material printer, you can always paint the letters, symbols, or numbers of your choice.

This project was designed by David Kingsman and it features core components such as Arduino Nano, Esp8266, 12-V stepper motors, 3D printed parts, and a custom PCB. It’s considered an advanced project and can be found on Printables, GitHub, and Reddit.

Orbion: 3D Space Mouse

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To effectively create a 3D model, you need to possess a considerable amount of skill and the right tools for the job. Normally, manipulating the view of the object or 3D scene would require the use of a mouse, which can be time-consuming and tedious. While there are shortcut keys available, some prefer manual manipulation for greater versatility and options.

By incorporating the Orbion into your workspace, you can now manipulate visualization with one hand while simultaneously using the mouse to activate tools and edit the scene. This HID device is compatible with various operating systems, including Android and iOS. You’ll also find that the vast majority of modeling and animation programs, as well as other applications like browsers and games, can interact with this peripheral.

Creating this mouse requires additional skills, such as using a soldering iron and various electronics and programming techniques. However, even beginners can be guided by the included PDF that details how to record the code in the microcontroller.

Once you’re accustomed to using it, the Orbion will feel like an extension of your own body!

Arduino Ant Hexapod Robot

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To effectively create a 3D model, you need to possess a considerable amount of skill and the right tools for the job. Normally, manipulating the view of the object or 3D scene would require the use of a mouse, which can be time-consuming and tedious. While there are shortcut keys available, some prefer manual manipulation for greater versatility and options.

By incorporating the Orbion into your workspace, you can now manipulate visualization with one hand while simultaneously using the mouse to activate tools and edit the scene. This HID device is compatible with various operating systems, including Android and iOS. You’ll also find that the vast majority of modeling and animation programs, as well as other applications like browsers and games, can interact with this peripheral.

Creating this mouse requires additional skills, such as using a soldering iron and various electronics and programming techniques. However, even beginners can be guided by the included PDF that details how to record the code in the microcontroller.

Once you’re accustomed to using it, the Orbion will feel like an extension of your own body!

Life-Size RC BB-8

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BB-8, the beloved and iconic droid from Star Wars, has captured the hearts of many since his debut in 2015’s The Force Awakens. What sets BB-8 apart is his unique design and the fact that he was not created through CGI. Building your own BB-8 is a challenging yet rewarding experience for any DIY enthusiast.

Although not an exact replica of the movie version, this remote-controlled robot is inspired by BB-8’s design. Building it requires careful attention to detail, as well as many parts, tests, and considerations to bring it to life. The creator of this project has provided clear and detailed instructions, including comprehensive material lists and step-by-step guidance for each stage. With a 150 x 150 x 150 mm print bed in mind, you won’t need a large printer for this project.

Long Range Alarm System

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An interesting security solution (Source: Elite Worm via YouTube)
  • Who designed it: Elite Worm
  • Core components: Esp32 microcontroller, 868 MHz long range “LoRa” module, OLED display, 3.7-V LiPo battery with an onboard charger, RGB led
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Where to find it: GitHubYouTube