Top programming languages for machine learning?

Top 5 Programming Languages For Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with the design and development of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data. This is done by providing the algorithm with a set of training data, which can be used to generate a model that can then be used to make predictions on new data.

What are the Top programming languages for machine learning?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly prevalent in everyday technologies. You’ll find AI in everything from your smartphones and computer programs to smart home appliances and the productivity-enhancing vehicles (think self-driving cars) we’ve seen over the last decade. These systems were no longer restricted to scientific computing and statistical data analysis, but had, for the most part, become part of everyday living.

AI aims to make machines self-intuitive and intelligent by simulating how the human brain perceives the world around it. Machine learning is a subset of AI in which machines learn through experience and receive input based on past outcomes. In the United States, machine learning is the leading application of AI.

AI aims to make computers fully aware and self-dependent by simulating the human intellect. ML is a subset of AI that enables computers to learn and advance according to their own experience. It allows its algorithm to be separately configured from past inputs and outcomes and is currently the most prevalent application of AI.

AI enables computers to become self-aware by emulating human intelligence. ML is a subset of AI that permits computers to learn and evolve based on encounters. It operates on the premise that it understands its past experiences and the subsequent impact of those encounters. Machine learning is currently the most widely-used application of AI.

What, in part, has allowed machine learning to develop so rapidly is the community-initiated uTensor and TensorFlow. uTensor is an open-source tool that is purposely built for ML experimentation. TensorFlow Light is Google’s ML framework, which makes it easy to deploy deploying artificial-intelligence projects on multiple devices.

Of the many factors that led to the growth of machine learning so quickly are the works of uTensor and TensorFlow. uTensor is an open-source embedded machine learning platform that allows users to easily experiment with new ideas. TensorFlow Lite is on Google s catalog of machine learning frameworks, allowing the deployment of varying ML models on multiple devices.

machine learning

Machine learning algorithms are often categorized into two main types: supervised and unsupervised.

It’s no surprise that computer engineers, programmers, and developers are among the fastest-growing types of workers, specializing in fields relating to AI and machine learning.

Learning a programming language is the first task to becoming an expert computer programmer. This can be challenging because there are lots of different programming languages. ML, analog, and deep learning models can be implemented in a variety of distinct programming languages. Every programming language has its own set of tools and resources, libraries, and packages that implement some of the ML models.

The first step in becoming an expert at programming is to learn the diverse programming languages available. Since a single programming language doesn’t exist, learning several can be challenging. This is particularly true since machine learning and deep learning models can be implemented in different nascent programming languages (popular examples include Python and MATLAB). Each of these languages typically has its own in-principle and course libraries, plug-ins, and packages, which implement numerous machine-learning models.

The choice of the programming language selected for such projects largely depends on its purpose and the industry. For instance, in the development of web applications, JavaScript is the highest used programming language due to MEAN and MERN stacks. Therefore, if a developer is implementing an ML model for a web application, JavaScript is the obvious choice. 

Similarly, if ML is required for a desktop game, C++ becomes the top choice. However, it should be noted that no programming language is confined to any one industry or software solution. There are certainly web applications developed in Python, Java, PHP, and . NET But a developer will likely use Java for implementing ML models if the solution he/she is working on is in Java (Java is different from JavaScript, as you’ll learn below).  

To beginners, Python is the most popular programming language for machine learning and deep learning. Python is easy, versatile, and has the largest libraries and frameworks available for the formation of the machine and deep learning. In fact, the simplicity with which these applications can be coded in the Python language makes Python the third most popular coding language on the planet.

To beginners, Python is the most popular programming language for machine learning and deep learning. Python is easy, versatile, and has the largest libraries and frameworks available for the formation of the machine and deep learning. In fact, the simplicity with which these applications can be coded in the Python language makes Python the third most popular coding language on the planet.


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Python started out as a straightforward, high-level programming language. For good reason, it is frequently used for desktop programming, data analysis, scripting, machine learning, and web development.

No other programming language available today is as accurate or user-friendly, offering great code readability, so its users don’t need to be computer engineers or programmers. The learning curve for Python is thought to be zero, so developers may use its ML-specific tools and frameworks right away without any prior experience.

The code’s readability is valued since the mathematics and statistics that underlie ML methods are frequently complex.

Due to this capability, a large development team may concentrate on creating the program rather than having to deal with the nuances of several languages. Python is incredibly versatile and effective.

Part of the efficiency of machine learning lies in the many libraries, tools, and frameworks available that are able to deal with the variety of obstacles of an AI problem. The developer would rarely have to write a custom library or module for implementing an ML model in Python. It already has the tools for most artificial intelligence tasks.

Once you’ve tried Python you’re likely to view its purpose, but nonexpert programmers might be disappointed by Python’s unreasonable development limitations. For instance, Please be aware that executable hardware-level programs aren’t well-suited to Python’s simple syntax. Even in the internet area, it isn’t a simple matter to do point-to-point development in Python.

Python is generally utilized in the back end or when machine learning is applied in embedded computers, such as on single-board microcomputers and AI development boards.

Some of the major Python frameworks, libraries, and tools used in ML include:

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NumPy: NumPy, also known as Numeric Python, is a library used for multi-dimensional arrays, matrices, and the Fourier transform. In essence, ML involves changing datasets. NumPy does a fantastic job at controlling the memory usage of matrices and arrays.

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Pandas is a package for handling, analyzing, and displaying data. Real-time streams and big datasets are also supported.

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Matplotlib is a package for displaying data. For making graphs, charts, histograms, and other graphical data representations, it is helpful.

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Seaborn, a data visualization library. It is based on Matplotlib and comes with a number of built-in plots for displaying complex data sets graphically.

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SciPy: a library designed for manipulating graphical data at a higher level and developed on top of Numeric Python.

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– Sci-Kit Learn: a tool used for ML modeling. It has several features for the implementation of an ML model via data mining and analysis. 

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Keras, a program for building deep learning models. It is frequently used for distributed deep-learning model training and supports many backend neural computation engines.

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TensorFlow is an open-source library used to build deep learning models on a massive scale.

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PyTorch: This tensor library is optimized for deep learning on both CPUs and GPUs.

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OpenCV: an open-source library for computer vision and image processing.

Top programming languages for machine learning? Scikit image logo

Sci-Kit Image is an open-source package that may be used for a variety of image-processing tasks.

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NLTK is a Python package for natural language processing.

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Librosa is an audio and music analysis library.

  • NumPy and Pandas are used to prepare datasets and manipulate data.
  • SciKit Learn, Seaborn, and Matplotlib are utilized for data visualization.
  • Sci-Kit Learn is used to model ML.
  • NLTK, NumPy, and Sci-Kit Learn are employed for text analytics.
  • Sci-Kit Picture and OpenCV are used for image segmentation and other image-related ML tasks.
  • Librosa is used for audio analysis and related ML applications.
  • TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch are used for deep learning.
  • Sci-Py is used in computational science.

Python is primarily preferred for chatbot development, natural language processing, picture segmentation, and web mining.


Released in the middle of the 1990s, Java is a high-level programming language and platform that is regarded as the master of all trades. Smaller applications and major company developments have both made extensive use of it. Many businesses use Java for their infrastructure, codebase, and apps.

The ability to transfer Java code to any platform is one advantage. Additionally, it offers a number of libraries for handling datasets, manipulating data, exporting and importing, displaying and analyzing data.

Hadoop, Spark, Hive, and Fink are just a few big data analytic frameworks that are written in Java. When huge data analysis is involved or the existing codebase is already written in Java, it is frequently the favored option for ML. Instead of converting ML algorithms to other languages like Python or R, developers often prefer Java.

A handful of the major Java frameworks, libraries, and tools utilized in ML are:

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Weka: a set of machine learning algorithms used for data mining, predictive analysis, and data analysis. With graphical user interfaces, it is simple to utilize for general-purpose machine learning applications.

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JavaML: a set of machine learning algorithms for a variety of general-purpose tasks.

Top programming languages for machine learning? mahout

Apache Mahout is a scalable machine-learning package that is helpful for mining data in distributed systems.

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Apache Spark, a Java platform built on top of Hadoop for big data processing.

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DeepLearning4j is a Java library that may be used for deep learning in distributed and single-machine systems.

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MALLET is helpful for Java’s natural language processing.

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Massive Online Analysis is an open-source program for real-time stream data mining.

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ELKI is primarily a Java framework for unsupervised learning. For fraud detection, cyber security, and customer support services, Java machine learning is frequently employed.


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A high-level statistical computer language called R is used to create visualizations and particularly huge numerical datasets. The R Core Team and the R Foundation for Statistical Computing support it, which focuses on the mathematical calculations that underlie machine learning and statistical algorithms.

R is thought to be better than Python for analyzing and visualizing data. Additionally, it is open-source, and cost-free to download, and the CRAN repository has more than 12K packages and libraries. As a result, it is more affordable than similar systems like MATLAB or SAS.

It is cross-platform and provides a large selection of packages for nearly every ML task imaginable. It is adaptable enough to deal with different frameworks and technologies.

R is not a simple language to learn for machine learning, though. Users need experience because the majority of R packages are third-party contributions and lack comprehensive documentation because it can be difficult to understand, write, and maintain production code.

For the creation of ML apps and data visualization, RStudio, which employs the R programming language, offers a full integrated development environment.

A handful of the major Java frameworks, libraries, and tools utilized in ML are:

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Tidyr is a tool for cleaning, organizing, and wrangling data.

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Ggplot2: a tool for displaying data.

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Dplyr: utilized for data manipulation, data wrangling, and exporting and importing to external databases.

Top programming languages for machine learning? tidyquant logo

Tidyquant is a tool for financial and business analysis.

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MICE: a technique for handling missing data values.

PARTY: This is a tool for dividing up data.

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Rmarkdown: a reporting tool for machine learning model insights.

R is mostly used for statistically intensive applications like sentiment analysis, bioengineering, biomedical statistics, financial analysis, and fraud detection.


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As an extension of the C language, C++ is a cross-platform language used to build high-performance programs. C++ is not the simplest language to use for ML, but it does offer programmers a great amount of control over system resources and memory.

C++ has advantages over Python though. It can be used to create hardware-level programs, giving the programmer tight control over CPU and memory usage.

Where the ML algorithm’s execution speed is crucial, like for creating ML models for the Internet of Things, C++ is preferable.

Some of the notable tools and frameworks of C++ used in ML include: 

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mlpack: used for all-purpose machine learning. It is quite flexible and simple to use.

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Shogun, a set of tools for classifying data and doing a variety of other machine-learning tasks.

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TensorFlow: used to create multi-layered neural networks for deep learning.

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Caffe, a deep-learning framework with excellent scalability and execution speed.

Torch is a deep learning framework that is particularly helpful for numerical analysis and scientific computing.

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Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, a C++ framework for deep learning used to build ANN.

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DyNet, a deep learning framework for reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, and natural language processing.

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In game development, cyber security, embedded devices, and robotics, ML is primarily implemented using C++.


JavaScript is a cross-platform scripting language created to aid in the development of interactive web pages, as opposed to Java, which is a multi-platform, object-oriented programming language. It operates in a user’s web browser according to the principles of client-side programming and doesn’t require any resources from the web server. In the MEAN (MongoDB Express Angular Node.JS) and MERN (MongoDB Express React Node.JS) technology stacks, JavaScript is frequently used for full-stack development.

Both the front-end (inside the browser) and the back-end of ML development can employ JavaScript (within the Node.JS). The key draw of machine learning in JavaScript

JavaScript developers must employ front-end machine learning, running over pure HTML rather than back-end servers.

Some of the important JavaScript frameworks, libraries, and tools utilized in ML include:

  • Tensorflow.js, a well-known JavaScript machine learning library. Using web APIs, it is possible to construct practically any ML model.
  • Math.js, a library for manipulating numbers and doing mathematical analysis
  • machinelearn.js, which is comparable to Python’s Sci-Kit Learn. Both supervised and unsupervised learning in JavaScript can benefit from it.
  • Brain.js: used in the Node.JS backend for GPU-accelerated deep learning.
  • OpenCV.js, a JavaScript library for image processing.
  • face-api.js: a face recognition and detection API. It is simple to integrate with Node.JS on the front end.

Online games, network monitoring, content recommendation engines, picture categorization, and object detection are the key applications for JavaScript-based machine learning.


A statically typed programming language is Scala. It is compatible with Java libraries and programs and operates on the Java platform (Java virtual computer). It was essentially created by condensing Java for machine learning.

It executes code more quickly than Python because it is a complied language, which means that its translators create machine code from source code. When using Apache Spark or other big data analytic tools on massive databases, Scala is the perfect language to use for machine learning (ML).

It’s challenging to learn because it mixes both functional and object-oriented programming. Over distributed frameworks, Java developers frequently use it for big data processing.

ML utilizes a number of prominent Scala tools and frameworks, including:

  • Saddle: beneficial for general-purpose machine learning and data analysis.

Breeze is a scientific computing library for Scala.

  • Aerosol: beneficial for building CPU- and GPU-accelerated machine learning.
  • Scalalab is beneficial for functions similar to those in Matlab.
  • NLP: A Java feature for natural language processing.

Working with large data is the primary usage of Scala. It is helpful in DSL (Domain Specific Language) computing and parallel computing.


Julia is a general-purpose, dynamic programming language that works well for computational research and numerical analysis and is commonly used for deep learning.

Its syntax is comparable to that of a scripting language like Python or R. Additionally, it provides parallel computing with outstanding execution performance that is comparable to Java and Matlab.

For front-end deep learning, Julia is frequently used with Python, while Julia is typically favored for back-end deep learning. However, it can also be used without difficulty with C and Python tools and libraries.

Some of Julia’s notable ML tools and frameworks include:

For general-purpose machine learning activities like data manipulation, test and validation, model tuning, and model performance evaluation, utilize the Julia package MLBase.jl.

  • Flux: a compact package that offers TensorFlow-like features.
  • TensorFlow.jl, a Julia package that is similar to TensorFlow.
  • SciKitLearn.jl: a package with features resembling those of Sci-Kit Learn It mostly serves supervised learning purposes.

Knet is a Julia deep learning framework that is GPU-accelerated.

Parallel programming and scientific computing are the principal uses of Julia.

last thoughts
Several coding languages can be used to create deep learning networks and machine learning models. The infrastructure, the preexisting codebase, and the developers’ and programmers’ own proficiency in a particular coding language all play a role in the decision-making process.

Python is the simplest language for newcomers to begin studying AI and ML. A python is once again a great option for individuals who want to employ machine or deep learning in embedded devices and the Internet of things.

C++ might be the better option for people who are interested in high-performance ML for embedded systems and robotic mobility. The choice is ultimately up to the coder.