How can I simulate ESP32 IoT projects at no cost (without strings attached)?

ESP32 IoT projects

The ESP32 is a highly-integrated, low-power, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi + BT SoC with an impressive set of peripherals that includes a capacitive touch sensor and an SD card interface.

There are a few ways to simulate ESP32 IoT projects without spending any money. One way is to use a simulator like Tinkercad. Tinkercad is a free online simulator that can be used to create and simulate ESP32 IoT projects. Another way to simulate ESP32 IoT projects is to use an emulator like Arduino Software (IDE). The Arduino IDE is a free piece of software that can be used to develop and simulate ESP32 IoT projects on a computer.

ESP32 IoT projects

The ESP32 is a powerful IoT device with many capabilities. However, it can be expensive to purchase and difficult to find. Luckily, there are ways to simulate ESP32 IoT projects without having to purchase the device itself. One way to do this is by using an online simulator such as Tinkercad. This will allow you to create and test your project without having to invest in the hardware. Another way to simulate an ESP32 project is by using a Raspberry Pi.

To simulate ESP32 IoT projects at no cost, one can use the Arduino IDE. The Arduino IDE is a free, open-source software that allows users to write and upload code to an ESP32 development board. There are a number of online tutorials that can be followed to get started with using the Arduino IDE for ESP32 IoT projects.





I will help you to create an IoT project using ESP32 and simulate ESP32’s functions within your project. I will demonstrate how to read the network time server NTP (Network Time Protocol) and display its time on the LCD (liquid crystal display)! ESP32 IoT demo project is an intuitive project that will help you understand how ESP32 has an NTP module. Let’s go ahead and start!

  • What is the purpose of this ESP32 simulation project?

sets up the LCD such that status messages and time information are displayed.
Access a WiFi network
To configure time from an NTP server, dial ConfigTime.

sets up the LCD such that status messages and time information are displayed.
Access a WiFi network
To configure time from an NTP server, dial ConfigTime.

How can I simulate ESP32 IoT projects at no cost (without strings attached)? image 2
Connection diagram for the NTP IoT demo for Wokwi Arduino Simulator


LCD.print(glyphs[counter++]); if (counter == strlen(glyphs)) { counter = 0; } } void printLocalTime() { struct tm timeinfo; if (!getLocalTime(&timeinfo)) { LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.println(“Connection Err”); return; } LCD.setCursor(8, 0); LCD.println(&timeinfo, “%H:%M:%S”); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.println(&timeinfo, “%d/%m/%Y %Z”); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); delay(10); LCD.init(); LCD.backlight(); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print(“Connecting to “); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(“WiFi “); WiFi.begin(“Wokwi-GUEST”, “”); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(250); spinner(); } Serial.println(“”); Serial.println(“WiFi connected”); Serial.print(“IP address: “); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); LCD.clear(); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.println(“Online”); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.println(“Updating time…”); configTime(UTC_OFFSET, UTC_OFFSET_DST, NTP_SERVER); } void loop() { printLocalTime(); delay(250); }

Simulation link for ESP32

How can I simulate ESP32 IoT projects at no cost (without strings attached)? image 3

Learn more about Wokwi ESP32 Simulator.

Wokwi’s ESP32 Simulator is compatible with two ESP32 boards (more are on the way;)). Most of the features are already in use or being developed. The ESP32 simulator’s following components were all operational at the time this article was being written.

  • Processor core
  • GPIO
  • UART
  • I2C
  • WiFi
  • ADC
  • RNG
  • AES Accelerator
  • SHA Accelerator
  • RSA Accelerator 

More about Wokwi ESP32 Wi-Fi

Using a Wokwi gateway, you may provide the ESP32 component on the simulator complete internet connectivity. The Wokwi ESP32 simulator can be used in a variety of use case situations to mimic an IoT virtual project. for instance:

  • Connect to MQTT servers to send sensor data
  • Query web services over HTTP, HTTPS, and web sockets
  • Run an HTTP server inside the ESP32 and connect to it from your browser (requires the Wokwi IoT Gateway)