Arduino is it good for a beginner in electronics?


Is Arduino good for a beginner in electronics?

Yes, I recommend arduino for absolute beginners!

Speaking as a beginner, I admit  you have – what is called: enthusiasm! that makes you willing  to do a lot of things  very fast, and cheap. Now, we have to consider that programming is easily approachable, since programmings is a discipline in schools, there are TONS or programming tutorials online, and a lot of codes for microcontrollers, in the case of Arduino (which is an AVR)  named sketches.

Using the CODE, you cant only learn how the microcontroller – an important piece of electronics, with many disciplines in Universities studying it – can be approached by a young person with   no stress, and with high enthusiasm, once you begin doing something with it, put it to work,  and then discover its resources and possibilities.
Yes! Microcontrollers ARE electronics! Electronics arent only  transformers or transistors or resistors or  LEDs, etc. it means ALSO microcontrollers and CODE.
When you discover the devices “hidden” inside the UC from Arduino, you will absolutely  start working with its ADC(s), or with DAC(s), or with I2C, or with some of its timers, or its ALU, and more, you will start stepping in this new world of electronics, where the brain is the microcontroller, the DSP, the Xilinx FPGA, and not the main components. You will learn, that ALL these other components will reduce in a DC or transitory regime to resistance at some point. But more importantly, you will learn about the digital logic, which offers an infinite number of possibilities, just by simply changes in the code.
Just as advice: watch the power supply voltage, and avoid short circuits. Read the data sheet for the components you are using. Read the rated voltage for the capacitors, don’t work with voltages bigger than 20V or voltages connected directly to mains, take security measures if you work with higher voltages for avoid getting electrocuted. In rest, the “magic smoke” means you learned something, components can be replaced.
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